Passion & Ability


Everything creative! I think creativity is a fantastic gift for learning about ourselves and improving our communities. Graphic Design is one creative way I help others communicate their passions and build their support and audience… Since 2003, I have worked to help others launch their ideas through design.


Children, with their incredible potential and open minds to new things, are one of my passions. My daughter has been an inspiration to me in many ways, including creative camps. I love to direct kid-focused camps and watch their excitement to create interesting new things, learn important principles in fun ways, and truly feel important, valuable and awesome.





I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Yes, I'm a Steelers fan. In 2008, I represented a client for communications in Cambodia. There, my heart and mind for the rest of the world expanded. I truly felt anything was possible and looked inside to re-evaluate my passions, … then looked up and asked God, “please?”. I have lived in Siem Reap, Cambodia since 2012 and found incredible fulfillment by working and teaching in graphic design and leading creative camps around the country. I have a deep appreciation for other cultures and people. There is unlimited creative potential and so many avenues to share and develop.


All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2017.  Christie Pink Graphic Design